Using Instagram to grow a Small Business

It has been quite some time since social media has been playing vital roles in the field of business. Over the years, different types of social media platforms have been established and these social Medias helped companies stay relevant in this competitive world. But there’s more to it. New social media platforms have emerged and people are making full use of them to increase their marketing forecast.

One such platform, Instagram, has gained fame as a great place to share images. But not only that. Instagram is also on stage to play a major role in helping enhance the social media marketing for your business. You can use Instagram just the manner you wish for your business. But remember to add a bit of creativity to it and you are sure to experience better results. Here’s a quick look at how you can use Instagram in an imaginative manner to boost your business prospects. Here are some tips to make your Instagram profile more successful

Post constantly: Stay in your follower’s feed! There are tons of ways to create content for your business. You can report news, sales, and specials, as well as providing behind the scenes looks at your company and sneak peeks at new products. Not everything has to be studio quality, just make sure you are getting the content out there all the time.

Post consistently: Instagram is all about visuals, so it’s essential to stay true to your company’s vision in order to increase brand recognition. Make sure that everything you post is consistent with how you want your company represented online.

Hashtags: Hash tagging is a powerful tool on Instagram for helping new followers finds you and making your photos searchable. Tagging your photos with relevant keywords means that you will show up in a users feed when they search for photos related to that keyword. You can also tag your photos with popular general hash tags to reach an even larger audience. Overuse of hash tags is a faux pas, though- try to keep it to five or less!

Increase local visibility: Growing your social network in your local area is also important, particularly if your company does business locally, and not long distance. There are a couple ways to do this. One way is to tag photos with your geographical location. A user can then search photos by location if they want to see what is going on in their area, and your photo will show up! It’s also a good idea to find and interact with other local accounts so that their followers will take interest in your account as well.
